Happy Birthday United States of America!!!
Happy Independence Day to all of the citizens of the United States of America. Today, we celebrate the bravery, courage, and leadership of our Founding Fathers, who, over 238 years ago, took a bold...
Happy Independence Day to all of the citizens of the United States of America. Today, we celebrate the bravery, courage, and leadership of our Founding Fathers, who, over 238 years ago, took a bold...
What is change? Put simply, change is an effort to improve an organization in some way. This change can take the form of new processes and procedures, upgrades to a new system, changes to...
Leaders ask questions to gain clarity, to deepen understanding, and to make better decisions. In fact, questions are a leaders’ best tool for gaining deeper appreciation and increased knowledge of the issues and challenges...
How valuable is this very moment to you? Do you realize that this very moment represents all of the possibilities that exist in the present and all of the creative possibilities and potential of...
As the leader of an organization, you need resources to accomplish your mission. As you execute your mission, you may identify gaps or shortfalls that impede mission success. How do you deal with these challenges? ...
Taking action means doing something that will take you one step closer to meeting your organization’s goals and objectives. Taking action requires a mindset of completion – getting on with what you need to...
1. Ideas come to you effortlessly. Creating ideas is as easy for you as putting on your shoes in the morning. Thomas Edison said that ideas are waiting to be discovered. You discover ideas...
Being proactive is a mindset… a choice! It is the difference between being ahead in the game versus being behind. Leaders ask questions like, “What can I do right now to get me going...
Leaders understand the need to give something extra, above and beyond what’s expected. Success for a leader resides on the other side of what’s expected. If a leader is satisfied with what’s expected in...
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