Tagged: ideas

Idea Generation at the Front-End of Innovation 0

Idea Generation at the Front-End of Innovation

This video is a recent episode of the PEOSTRI STRI-Lights webcast sponsored by the Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation (PEOSTRI). Watch as Dr. Myers discusses his research on idea generation, executive...

become more creative 0

How to Become More Creative

Creativity is a skill that everyone has, but it’s not always easy to tap into. If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, here are a few tips to help you become more creative: Creativity...

old ideas into new ones 0

How to Use Old Ideas to Generate New Ones

Creative people are always looking for new ideas. They thrive on the prospect of the exponential possibilities that can be created by combining old and new ideas. One way to use old ideas to...

12 Awesome Reasons to Use an Idea Journal 0

12 Awesome Reasons to Use an Idea Journal

1. Using an idea journal is fast & convenient My journal is a storehouse, a treasury for everything in my daily life: the stories I hear, the people I meet, the quotations I like,...

15 Ways to Know if You are an Idea Person 1

15 Ways to Know if You are an Idea Person

1. Ideas come to you effortlessly. Creating ideas is as easy for you as putting on your shoes in the morning. Thomas Edison said that ideas are waiting to be discovered. You discover ideas...

Achieve Your Goals and Dreams 0

Welcome to VernonMyers.com

Hello, I am Vernon Myers and thank you for reading my blog. I guess you are wondering, “Why would someone start a blog about creativity and leadership?” Well, I am really glad you asked...