25 Power Questions to Ask Your Mentors

If you have a mentor, make sure that you ask the following questions at some point during your relationship:
1. What are your goals and dreams (Short term and long-term)?
2. How can I help you to accomplish your goals and dreams?
3. Why did you choose to pursue these goals and dreams?
4. What books have influenced your ideas and thoughts the most?
5. What ideas or thoughts inspired you or motivated you to get started?
6. What is the one action you have taken that has accounted for most of your success?
7. If you could change your life in one way, what would you change?
8. What magazines, newspapers and/or information products do you study?
9. How do you handle defeat and/or failure?
10. How do you handle obstacles and roadblocks?
11. What are your strengths?
12. What are your weaknesses?
13. Who is your hero?
14. Who is in your personal and professional network?
15. Who has had the most impact on your life?
16. Who are your personal and professional advisors?
17. Who do you listen to? Who do you accept advice from?
18. Who are your personal and professional mentors?
19. Why are these people able to inspire and connect with you?
20. Who are your mentor’s mentors?
21. What dreams or goals inspired your mentors?
22. Who influenced your mentors?
23. Who are your mentor’s advisors?
24. What magazines, newspapers and/or information products do your mentors study?
25. Who is in your mentor’s personal and professional network?
Don’t overwhelm your mentor by asking all twenty-five questions at one time. Instead, find appropriate times to naturally weave the questions into your normal conversations. You can even send an email to ask one specific question every week or every month.
Take time to digest the responses that you receive and to apply the answers to your life if appropriate. You will receive feedback related to the changes that you are making in your life, ensure you follow-up by sharing your successes and failures with your mentor.
Remember, the only dumb question is the question that is not asked. Take advantage of the experience and insight that your mentor has to offer.
Remember…if you are not experiencing success in your life, then there is something that you do not know.
Find Out!! Ask your mentor!
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