The Power of the Present Moment

How valuable is this very moment to you? Do you realize that this very moment represents all of the possibilities that exist in the present and all of the creative possibilities and potential of the future?
How valuable is your time? Do you spend it wisely? Do you focus your time on the most important tasks and value-added activities? Or do you fritter your time away, aimlessly going from task to task, or activity to activity, accomplishing very little?
Have you ever determined how much your time is worth on an hourly basis? Try it. You may be surprised at the amount of time you waste doing things that someone else could do better – leaving you to concentrate on the things that you do best.
A time analysis definitely gives you a better appreciation for what it costs you to spend your time on low value activities. Conducting a time analysis is easy – just take the total amount of money that you earn during an average eight hour day and divide the total by eight. For example, if your time is valued at $100 per hour, why would you waste your time doing things that you can pay someone $8 per hour to do for you?
Think about this – everything that you will ever accomplish is determined by what you do in this present moment.
The idea behind the power of the present moment is that everything that you aspire to be, have, or do is based upon your actions right now, in this present moment.
Do you want to be a millionaire? What are you doing to make it a reality? Are you studying millionaires? Are you starting and running business enterprises? Are you investing? Are you creating valuable products or providing needed services? These are just a few ways that people are becoming millionaires today.
Are you using this present moment to achieve the outcomes that you desire?
What do you have to do differently in the next five minutes that will bring you the results that you want in the future?
- Create a goal
- Make a call
- Follow-up on a request
- Take action
- Stop procrastinating
- Write a letter
- Make an appointment
- Get organized
- Save money
The present moment is powerful because if you think about time on its most basic level, you realize that everything that is and everything that will be, is or will be created in the present moment.
Everything you see is a result of someone taking a specific action resulting in something growing, something expanding, or something evolving.
Every high achiever has mastered the present moment to organize their actions in such a way that great wealth and abundance manifested in their lives.
How can you use this present moment to improve your life; to live your dreams; to walk into your limitless potential?
The power of the present moment is the greatest asset you possess because it is the only asset that you can use to obtain any other type of asset including money, contacts, resources, etc.
How you use your time is a major factor in what you accomplish in this lifetime. You can be, have, or do anything as long as you use your time wisely.
So, what are you DOING with this PRESENT MOMENT?
The power of the present moment affects your entire life. For example:
Family Life
- What if you can hug kids and you don’t?
- What if you can spend time with your family and you don’t?
Love Life
- What if you can say I love you to your spouse and you don’t?
- What if you can ask a member of the opposite sex out for a date and you don’t?
Business Life
- What if you can position your business for future success and you don’t?
Spiritual Life
- What if you can develop your spiritual life and you don’t?
Health/Physical Life
- What if you can work out on a weekly basis and you don’t?
- What if you can eat right and you don’t?
Finally – what if you can learn from the lessons of your life and you don’t?
This post is not meant to condemn you or to make you feel bad about actions that you did not take in the past. The purpose of this post is to help you understand that in every moment you have an opportunity to do something different. In every moment you have an opportunity to start over.
You can start accomplishing your goals. You can start becoming a better person. You can start taking action on becoming the person you were meant to be. You can do this and much more… but, will you?
Action: Decide what you want out of life and use the present moment to start moving towards your desires.
Remember once you lose this moment you can never get it back – use each moment wisely.
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