Category: Creativity

6 Traits of Highly Creative People - Vernon Myers 0

6 Traits of Highly Creative People

Upon the launch of my creativity book, The Idea Journal in 2014, I created a short video about the 6 Traits of Highly Creative People. I posted it on YouTube and little did I know,...


Steve Harvey’s Jumping to Success!!

In this video, Steve Harvey offers insightful thoughts on becoming a success in life by living in your God-given gift. Powerful and inspiring – he implores everyone pull the parachute cord of their gifts…JUMP! He...

12 Awesome Reasons to Use an Idea Journal 0

12 Awesome Reasons to Use an Idea Journal

1. Using an idea journal is fast & convenient My journal is a storehouse, a treasury for everything in my daily life: the stories I hear, the people I meet, the quotations I like,...

Never, Never...Never Give Up! 0

The Secret of Think and Grow Rich – Part I

Part I Think and Grow Rich is undoubtedly the most read success classic in history but I wonder how many people have gleaned the “secret” that Napoleon Hill speaks about in the beginning of...

The $12 Billion Dollar Idea...that's Billion, with a B! 0

The $12 Billion Dollar Idea!

This is an article about the power of ideas and how ideas have been converted into huge fortunes. The book Think and Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill has served as the blueprint for...

Are You Having Fun Yet? 0

Leaders Have Fun!

Leaders must lead the way in all things, including having fun – the energy and enthusiasm generated by the leader will have an immediate impact on the organization. Employees look to their leaders for...

How Valuable is This Present Moment to You? 0

The Power of the Present Moment

How valuable is this very moment to you? Do you realize that this very moment represents all of the possibilities that exist in the present and all of the creative possibilities and potential of...